...i'll be there waiting for your call...cause you know in california there's something better for us all..."-Plain White Ts.
a couple of weeks ago Lee and I headed to california for a carefree weekend! earlier that week we just decided to jump in the car and head to the sunny state. it happened to be father's day weekend, so that worked out perfectly for me to spend the day with my dad.
our road trip started in the classic lee and jen date... with chick-fil-a. its our "chick" date. yum. we cruised to cali experiencing new tunes from the plain white ts (new to us that is) and fell in love with the song sunlight by them. we stopped twice to use the restroom. now i'm the type that goes for distance and doesn't stop unless its an emergency. however lee was fair enough and let me know about her only flaw for a road trip "i'm pretty much perfect with the exception that i have a small bladder." love you lee.
friday we spent the day shopping for swim suits and hanging out by the pool. lee experienced in-n-out for the first time.... and need less to say she was hooked after the first bite! we went back for seconds before leaving california. that night i met up with amy (!) and heather (!) to see the proposal. good flick. oh amy how i've missed you. good times. "my new phone made me all these friends"
saturday was filled with old friends as well. i met up with andy and quinn to eat dim sum with the grandparents and my dad. we caught up with lee and the democrat at south coast. "she's on your team" "she's my team... my team" andy and quinn had quite the time checkin out all the hotties at the mall.
after the sun decided to finally come out. we headed to the beach. the five of us read and took in the brief period of sunlight on the coast. it was actually perfect. "i love the sun... its probably not the best thing... but i just love the sun."
for dinner that night we went to a little place called TK burger. i opted out of the burger experience. wasn't feelin' all that great. stress related i'm sure. lee was all about the burgers this trip. chalk another one up for a tasty burger experience. i'll make sure to get in on that one next time.
i pretty much slept the rest of the night while aaron and lee hung out in the spa and watched walk the line. i was just overwhelmed and needed a time out. but had a good conversation that came at the perfect time to settle what i was feeling.
sunday i made breakfast in bed for my dad and my mom. i made yummy pancakes and eggs. for lee i made just pancakes because she doesn't like eggs. the sausage didn't get thawed in time. bummer. it has little pieces of pineapple in it. so good. oh well maybe next time.
on our way back we did make a stop at the rite aid in desert center. lee was feeling a cold come on and needed something to catch it before it got worse. she opted to try these chewable things... bad choice. "it started out tasting really good and then all of the sudden it was like chewing this chalky metal stuff" wow. she'll stick to the coldeez or however you spell it. i also introduced her to thrifty's ice cream! LOVE it. my favorite is chocolate malted crunch. yum.
so as you can see there is only one picture of all the adventures of that weekend. just one. but its a good one. love you lee. i'd road trip with you any time!
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