Anywho, fourth of july is one of my favorite holidays. And as a matter of fact I can’t really think of a holiday that I don’t like, so… with that said… happy birthday America! This year I celebrated the fourth with bryan and his family.
Started the day with tennis! An American pass time? I have no idea where the sport originated… maybe Europe somewhere… like England? I dunno. No internet access at the moment to research the topic (on the plane to Hawaii). Haha. Acutally bry planned a tennis outing in conjunction with Wimbledon. Great idea bry. We played doubles with scott and dustin turner from the ward.
I’ll leave the victors in the two matches we played up to your imagination. And as a hint I’m sure the victories went to the obvious team…=). I’m sure its not too hard to figure out.
After the tennis rendezvous I met up with Lee, Brooke, and Jen for breakfast. We are big breakfast fans. This time we experienced the most important meal of the day at a little place on Scottsdale road called the breakfast club. Lee, Katie, and I tried to eat there on a previous Saturday, but the wait was over an hour… I’m patient, but not that patient especially when I’m hungry.
Breakfast was yummy. The orders at our table ranged from yogurt and fresh fruit to a delicious omelet. We had an array of potatoes (potatoes o brien to hashed). I had a short stack of butter milk pancakes. They were mouth watering. Our next breakfast outing will be at a new place in Scottsdale called bacon. I’m very excited.
Next, was swimming at the bluths. That’s right… after stuffing yourself silly with potatoes and pancakes jump into your suit jen! Way to show off that meal. Loverly. Roxie (the bluth’s boston) started us off with a virgin voyage in her new pirate ship. She definitely ruled the high seas of the backyard pool. The ship later turned into a floating target as each member took turns practiced their chipping skills from the nearby lawn.
“wanna know the stupidest thing I did today…?” let’s just say their was a bruised tail bone involved with that line. I would like to say that the act that brought about said bruised tail bone was a complete success.
Inside a fourth of july feast that could send your taste buds soaring like fireworks in the dark night sky was being created. Robyn and the rest of the bluth clan never cease to amaze me with their ability to entertain. The table was decorated with red, white, and blue metal pin wheels in red, white, and blue metal buckets. There was a flag runner and each cloth napkin was tied with a red, white, or blue party popper. And of course the ribbons were all of a patriotic nature.
Back outside the bbq was lit and the master bbq-ers bryan and his dad grilled up some Italian sausage, bratwurst, and chicken. They were teamed with a great pasta salad which has been a tradition in the family since the days in Chicago, a fruit tray with sweet fruit dips, and salad. I felt spoiled.
We headed out to Surprise to meet up with Uncle Alan and Cenea and their family to watch fireworks. Alan has a construction site that was supposedly home to a great view for the fireworks show. And well its true! We sat about 100-150 yards from where the show was being executed. We set up our camping chairs in the back of the pick up truck, pulled out a cold bottle of water, and watch the sky light on fire. My rib cage vibrated through the whole show as the lights danced across the black sky. Best view in town. Hands down.And of course we capped the night off with root beer floats and later with ESPNs Sport Center Recap. Gosh I love America.